Wednesday, June 3, 2015



Destination Medical Center

While doing our Destination Medical Center project we learned what it was, and what it's goals were. We then presented this information to our class. During research my group found a possible future issue with Education in the area. Our problem was how the DMC initiative would affect the educational system in Rochester and the surrounding area. When researching for information on projected growth in college graduates we contacted multiple schools in the area. The majority of our data came from Universities, but some came from Technical colleges as well. This created diversity and understanding throughout the ranks in the local educational system.

What did I learn from this project? Well, first of all I learned to work with a group that I had never really worked with before which was nice. I also learned to be more outgoing and assertive. Mainly because I had to call all of the school and speak to the representatives. However, there were also many things I learned about stats. I learned that there is more to statistics than just numbers. The process includes a lot of planning and presenting as well as decimals and percents.

Something I took away from this project is how quickly DMC is going to happen. I knew that it was in the process and that we were going to experience it in our lifetime. However, I never imagined that it would take place so quick and complete itself in a short amount of time. It will be exciting to see where this project takes Rochester and the surrounding area's in the next 10-20 years.

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