Friday, January 24, 2014


My first project that I started out doing was the GapMinder project.  That was a quick short project that showed relationship between two different things.  My two things that I choose to talk about was murder (per 100,000 people) and income per person.  I put the video on Youtube after I recorded it and talked about it.  After that I focused a lot on the units and tried my best to get good scores on the tests.

Mr. Pethan emailed me and told me that I should consider doing a project on Byron graduates from the past 5 years.  This immediately sparked my interest and I began searching Facebook and asking graduates from Byron if they would be willing to participate in my survey.   After people agreed to take my survey, I came up with a few quick questions that I could ask them.  I sent it out to them and I realized that I sort of failed because most of the answers were either yes or no.  After writing a short reflection about what I did and how it went wrong, I decided that I wanted to make a bigger and better survey that I could send out to more people and eventually possibly get it sent out to all alumni too see how they do after graduation.

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